A-venue, lavenderhill at the A-10

Alongside the bypass of Amsterdam (A-10), there was a spare overpass that would eventually become a tunnel. The spare overpass became the second Coentunnel in 2009, after 25 years. Studio florisvanderkleij decided that before that this new use of the old overpass should be celebrated. On its own initiative, the studio made the overpass into a site-specific sculpture. This was done with help of many volunteers. Two large new hills and at the end of the overpass, 25000 lavender plants were planted. These hills of lavender created a sea of flowers.

The metaphor of A-venue

The sea of flowers was meant to be an announcement for the second tunnel of the Coentunnel. The construction of the second tunnel, which would finally use the overpass after 25 years, would be finished in 2014. Furthermore, the lavender hills gave the image of ‘Toscaanse hills”. These hills were a metaphor for the climate changes. Finally, the lavender has a soothing, calming and relaxing effect. Each day, 100.000 people are stuck in traffic next to the hills. The 25000 lavender plants collect about 400kg of fine dust each year. The plants collect the dust from the air so that the air itself becomes cleaner. This has a positive effect on the environment.

April 2010 the hills were demolished and the overpass is now a part of the second Coentunnel.

Practical information

Swamps consists of David Veldhoen (member until 2010), Roel van Timmeren, Floris van der Kleij
Materials: sand, earth, big bags, crates, grass tiles, lavender
Dimensions: 235x50x18h.

Photo Roger Cremer

Sponsors (financial): Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedsel (LNV), Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK), Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Zaandam, Cultuurfonds Bank Nederlandse Gemeente, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. Sponsoren (materieel, kennis, arbeid): Alterra Wageningen (WUR) Vincent Kuypers, Groenvoorziening Noord (Theo Meijer), Leo Dedding (advies onderhoud) Rijkswaterstaat (Jasmijn Miete en Jan Pilkes), Vereniging van Bedrijven A’dam Noord (VEBAN), Struyck Verwo, Schoeller Arca Systems, Darthuizer, van Leyen Pallets, Braspenning, Kabel Zaandam, Willem Ox, Gunco, NIEFRA beveiliging, Geert Groote School Amsterdam, Dura Vermeer Consortium Coentunnel Company, Frank Keizer, Dick Spinder. Swamps bedankt van harte -en met name Groenvoorziening Amsterdam Noord (Theo Meijer).

My special thanks to all the sponsors, without them this would have never happened.



Foto Roger Cremer